An old piece, from the beginning of eighth grade. Not quite sure why I wrote this (or why I am posting it).
I awoke, cold and alone; surrounded by empty sea.
A thousand fragments;
Of that which had once been proud,
And beautiful, and whole,
Lie scattered across the grey waters.
And still I am alone.
The gulls wail;
Slicing through a steely sky.
The cold ocean churns;
Biting at my raw skin like fire.
And still I am alone.
Waves break against a distant shore,
Rain falls softly upon my face.
The far-off call of an albatross
Echoes in the silence.
And still I am alone.
Night falls
A dark, silent shadow.
The moon glows;
Silver light dancing upon the water.
And still I am alone.
The gulls scream,
The sun burns,
The stars wheel overhead.
Adrift I remain.
The tides change, the rain falls,
Days soar by, as intangible as memories.
Alone I remain.
Numb and cold;
I am restless, wandering
Within the prison and salvation of my mind.
Melancholy and subdued;
I am helpless, hopeless, floating,
Lost to the pull of the sea.
And still, I am alone.
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